Granados cigars are premium Dominican cigars, carefully grown from one hundred percent Cuban long leaf ligero cubano and seco dominicano seed. Filler cigars are known for having an extremely consistent flavor in the aftertaste, creating a perfectly balanced flavor for an incredibly smooth smoke.
Our consistent flavor in cigars has passed a rigorous quality control process that ensures that each cigar offers the cigar enthusiast a firm draw and a perfect burn.
Produced in Santiago, Dominican Republic under the supervision of Ricardo Granados, Granados cigars offer a Special Edition with a Limited production. Each cigar has a Double Wrapper and is hand rolled with precision and detail, with a strict level of quality control is ensured.
Granados understands that making a great cigar requires respect for and pride in the perfectionist tradition of making the finest handmade cigar. We take advantage of the richness and flavor of the Cibao Valley, in the Dominican Republic, the best area for growing exquisite tobaccos.
"Our goal is to sell our passionate cigars smokers great cigars, selling them at great prices, so that everyone can enjoy them."